Introduction: Kantian concepts, liberal theology, and post-Kantian idealism - Subjectivity in question: Immanuel Kant, Johann G. Fichte, and critical idealism - Making sense of religion: Friedrich Schleiermacher, John Locke, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and liberal theology - Dialectics of spirit: F.W.J. Schelling, G.W.F. Hegel, and absolute idealism - Hegelian spirit in question: David Friedrich Strauss, Sren Kierkegaard, and mediating theology - Neo-Kantian historicism: Albrecht Ritschl, Adolf von Harnack, Wilhelm Herrmann, Ernst Troeltsch, and the Ritschlian school - Idealistic ordering: Lux Mundi, Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, Hastings Rashdall, Alfred E. Garvie, Alfred North Whitehead, William Temple, and British idealism - The Barthian revolt: Karl Barth, Paul Tillich, and the legacy of liberal theology - Idealistic ironies: from Kant and Hegel to Tillich and Barth.
Philosophical theology
Kant, Immanuel,, 1724-1804, Influence
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich,, 1770-1831, Influence