Of law, virtue and justice : an introduction / Amalia Amaya and Ho Hock Lai - Practical wisdom in legal decision-making /Claudio Michelon -The role of virtue in legal justification /Amalia Amaya -Education and paternalism : Plato on virtue and the law /Sandrine Berges -Neoclassical public virtues : towards an aretaic theory of law-making (and law teaching) /Sherman J. Clark -Confucian virtue jurisprudence /Linghao Wang and Lawrence B. Solum -The three stages of judges' self-development /Mateusz Stoepiean -Motivating intentions, reciprocal specification of ends and the assessment of responsibility /Kyron Huigens -Liberal virtue /Ekow N. Yankah -Virtue, vice and the criminal law : a response to Huigens and Yankah /R.A. Duff -Virtues of truthfulness in forbearing wrongs : client confidentiality qualified by legal symmetry of past and future harm /Hendrik Kaptein -Virtuous deliberation on the criminal verdict /Ho Hock Lai -Must virtue be particular? /Frederick Schauer -Empathy, law and justice /Michael Slote -Empathy in law (a response to Slote) /John Deigh -On empathy as a necessary, but not sufficient, foundation for justice (a response to Slote) /Susan J. Brison -Reply to Deigh and Brison /Michael Slote.