"Applied Psychology is designed to introduce the student to the six main areas of applied psychology (Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Educational Psychology, Occupational Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Sports & Exercise Psychology) as well as the core psychological knowledge that underpins these applied and professional areas. Each section is divided into five chapters. The first and second of these cover the main areas of application. The third and fourth chapters cover basic research and psychological knowledge that is relevant to the applied area. The fifth and final chapter discusses the structure of the profession and professional issues from UK, European and international perspectives"-Provided by publisher. Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1 - Introduction. - Chapter 2 - Clinical psychology & mental health problems. - Chapter 3 - Common mental health problems & their treatment. - Chapter 4 - The causes of mental health problems: schizophrenia & autistic spectrum disorder. - Chapter 5 - The causes of mental health problems: anxiety and mood disorders. - Chapter 6 - Clinical psychology: training and development. - Chapter 7 - What is health psychology? - Chapter 8 - A biopsychosocial approach to health psychology. - Chapter 9 - Stress, coping and health. - Chapter 10 - Social psychology and health. - Chapter 11 - Training and working as a health psychologist. - Chapter 12 - Introduction to forensic psychology: working with organisations and offenders. - Chapter 13 - Working with child and adult victims. - Chapter 14 - Eyewitnesses and the use and application of cognitive theory. - Chapter 15 - Violence assessment and intervention. - Chapter 16 - Training in forensic psychology and professional issues. - Chapter 17 - Educational psychology: history and overview. - Chapter 18 - Educational psychology: problems and interventions. - Chapter 19 - Educational psychology: research on cognitive and biological factors. - Chapter 20 - Educational psychology: research on developmental and social factors. - Chapter 21 - Educational psychology: professional issues. - Chapter 22 - Occupational psychology in practice - the individual. - Chapter 23 - Occupational psychology in practice - the organization. - Chapter 24 - Cognition in the workplace. - Chapter 25 - Social and development psychology in work and organizations. - Chapter 26 - Professional issues in occupational psychology. - Chapter 27 - The nature of sport and exercise psychology.