A political writer / John Rossi and John Rodden - Orwell and the biographers / Gordon Bowker - Englands his Englands / Jonathan Rose - The truths of experience : Orwell's nonfiction of the 1930s / Margery Sabin - The fictional realist : novels of the 1930s / Michael Levenson - Orwell's essays as a literary experience / William E. Cain - 'My country, right or left' : Orwell's patriotism / John Rossi - Orwell and the British Left / Ian Williams - Orwell, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust / John Newsinger - Orwell, socialism and the Cold War / Robert Conquest - Animal farm : history as fable / Morris Dickstein - Nineteen eighty-four : context and controversy / Bernard Crick - Orwell, the academy and the intellectuals / Neil McLaughlin - Orwell for today's reader : an open letter / John Rodden - George Orwell : a bibliographic essay / Erika Gottlieb - Why Orwell still matters / Christopher Hitchens.
Orwell, George, 1903-1950, Criticism and interpretation