:Understand the People, the Politics, and the Culture of the Conflicted Region
/ Arthur G. Sharp
Avon, Mass
: Adams Media/F+W Media
, 2011.
xii, 291 p.
: , map.
(Everything Series Book)
The Middle East has long been a place where religions, cultures, and politics clash-- today more then ever. Sharp provides an objective, professional, and informed resource that will help you understand the fascinating area, from their first civilizations and the rise of empires, to ongoing terrorism and recent revolutions. What do you mean by the "Middle East"? - The cradle of civilization - Rise of the empires - Ancient Judaism - Early Christianity - The Byzantine empire - Early Islam - Islamic empires and European colonies - A new empire is born - World War and change - Modern Middle East mosaic - Israel/Palestine: all eyes on Jerusalem - Egypt: heart of the Arab world - Saudi Arabia: crossroads of Islam - Iraq: British colony to Ba'thist beginnings - Iraq: The rise and fall of Saddam Hussein - Iran: the Shi'ite state - Turkey: modern and democratic - Tackling the tough issues - Anything but status quo.