1. Introduction: Theory and Methodology in Legal Ontology Engineering: Experiences and Future Directions / Meritxell Fernandez-Barrera - 2. Legal Theory Perspective: Doctrinal Conceptual Systems vs. Computational Ontologies / Giovanni Sartor - 3. Empirically Grounded Developments of Legal Ontologies: A Socio-Legal Perspective / Joan-Josep Vallbe - 4. Cognitive Science Perspective on Legal Ontologies / Rinke Hoekstra - 5. Social Ontology and Documentality / Maurizio Ferraris - 6. Case-Based Reasoning Approach: Ontologies for Analogical Legal Argument / Kevin D. Ashley - 7. Complex-System Approach: Legal Knowledge, Ontology, Information and Networks / Romain Boulet - 8. Multi-Layered Legal Information Perspective / Pier Carlo Rossi - 9. Legal Ontologies: The Linguistic Perspective / Daniela Tiscornia - 10. Legal Document Ontology: The Missing Layer in Legal Document Modelling / Fabio Vitali - 11. From Thesaurus Towards Ontologies in Large Legal Databases / Jose Manuel Mateo Rivero - 12. Computational Ontology Perspective: Design Patterns for Web Ontologies / Eva Blomqvist - 13. Learning Approach for Knowledge Acquisition in the Legal Domain / Enrico Francesconi - 14. Towards an Ontological Foundation for Services Science: The Legal Perspective / Meritxell Fernandez-Barrera - 15. Legal Multimedia Ontologies and Semantic Annotation for Search and Retrieval / Jorge Gonzalez-Conejero