Introduction, D. Schmicking, S. Gallagher; P. I: Phenomenology and experimental cognitive science. 1. Phenomenology and the problem of naturalization, D. Zahavi 2. Phenomenology and non-reductionistic cognitive science, S. Gallagher 3. A toolbox of phenomenological methods, D. Schmicking 4. A formal language of consciousness, E. Marbach. P. II: Consciousness, attention, and emotion. 5. Consciousness, M. Rowlands 6. Attention in context, P.S. Arvidson 7. The phenomenology and neurobiology of moods and emotions, M. Ratcliffe 8. Phenomenology, imagination, and interdisciplinary research, J. Jansen 9. The function of weak phantasy in perception and thinking, D. Lohmar. P. III: Embodiment. 10. Myself with no body? Body, bodily-consciousness and self-consciousness, D. Legrand 11. A Husserlian, Neurophenomenologic Approach to Embodiment, J-L. Petit 12. Body and Movement: Basic Dynamic Principles, M. Sheets-Johnstone 13. Empirical and phenomenological studies of embodied cognition, D. Morris. P. IV: Intersubjectivity. 14. The Problem of Other Minds, S. Overgaard.15. Mutual gaze and intersubjectivity, B. Stawarska 16. Knowing other people's mental states as if they were one's own, F. de Vignemon 17. Intersubjectivity, cognition, and language, N. Praetorius. P. V: Perception, action and enactive phenomenology. 18. The problem of representation, M. Wheeler 19. Action and agency, T. Grunbaum 20. Meaning, World and the Second Person, J. Botero. P. VI: Language and meaning. 21. Husserl and language, P. Bundgaard 22. Metaphor and cognition, M.S. Johnson 23. Phenomenology and cognitive linguistics, J. Zlatov VII: Applications and experiments. 24. The role of phenomenology in psychophysics, S. Horst 25. A neuro-phenomenological study of epileptic seizure anticipation, C. Petitmengin 26. How unconscious is subliminal perception, M. Overgaard 27. IW-"the man who lost his body", D. McNeill. P. VIII: Pathologies. 28. Phenomenology and psychopathology, T. Fuchs. 29. Delusional atmosphere and delusional belief, M. Ratcliffe 30. Autoscopy: Disrupted Self in Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Anomalous Conscious States, A. Mishara 31. Phenomenology as Description and as Explanation: The Case of Schizophrenia, L. Sass 32. Agency with impairments of movement, J. Cole. Index