Tranformations in law interpretation : towards a universal approach : the phenomenon, causes and symptoms / Ewa inetowska - Discourse ethics as a basis of the application of law / Bartosz Wojciechocwski - Judicial interpretation of bilingual and multilingual laws : a European and Hong Kong comparison / Deborah Cao - The European dual nature : unity/fragmentation / Anne Wagner - The universalism of legal interpretation / Marek Safjan - The power of national courts in interpreting domestic and EU law : the indeterminacy of choice / Ermal Frasheri - Implementation of European regulation of the financial sector : consequences for the consumer protection / Camilla Horby Jensen and Nina Dietz Legrind - Joint competence of the EC and its member states as a source of divergent interpretations of the TRIPS agreement at community and national levels / Monika Niedzwidez - Some idealism about realism : judging under uncertainty and the standardization of adjudication in the EC law / Mariusz Jerzy Golecki - Pro-European interpretation of criminal law vis-aa-vis the constitutional standards of the member states / Barbara Nita - Linguistic pluralism and interpretation of European law in the third pillar, discussed with reference to the example of of Article 54 of the convention implementing the Schengen Agreement / Barbara Nita and Andrzej Swiattowski - Introducing hermeneutic methods in criminal law interpretation in Europe / Alicja Ornowska - Fifty years in five? : the Brazilian approach to the New York Convention / Andrae de Albuquerque Cavalcanti Abbud - Explaining transnational rules : discourses and material conditions when implementing the Swedish corporate code of conduct / Karin Jonnergeard and Ulf Larsson-Olaison - The translation of transplanted rules : the case of the Swedish nomination committee / Ulf Larsson-Olaison - Transnational law, between ius mercatorum and ius civile /Cristiaan Gimaenez Corte