Understanding the New Majority of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in Higher Education
:Demographics, Experiences, and Plans of Action
/ Adrianna Kezar, Cecile Sam
San Francisco, Calif.
: Jossey-Bass ;Hoboken, N.J. :Wiley
, 2010.
xiii, 133 p.
: , 23 cm.
(ASHE Higher Education Report,1551-6970
; v
Understanding the conflicting research - Introduction to the players: groups studying non-tenure-track faculty - Portrait of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty - Trends in part-time and full-time non-tenure-track faculty - Historical developments- The demand for non-tenure-track faculty - Typologies and titles of non-tenure-track faculty - Data and trends related to non-tenure-track faculty - Experiences of non-tenure-track faculty - Working conditions - Perspective on faculty life - Upsides of non-tenure-track faculty work - Concerns and unmet expectations - Plans of Action and Promising Policies - Broad recommendations for future directions - Promising practices and policies for professionalizing non-tenure-track faculty - Context-based examples of the professionalization of non-tenure-track faculty - How do we accomplish these changes and ensure intentionality? - Conclusions for Practice and Suggestions for Further Research - Overall conclusions and implications - Future research
College teachers, Part-time - United States
College teachers - Tenure - United States
Universities and colleges - United States - Faculty
College teaching - United States
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