:What the World's Greatest Management Thinker Means to Today's Business Leaders
/ [edited by] Craig L. Pearce, Joseph A. Maciariello, Hideki Yamawaki
New York
: McGraw-Hill
, 2010.
xv, 318 p.
: ill
Foreword / by Charles Handy.- Introduction : the Drucker living legacy / by Craig L. Pearce, Joseph A. Maciariello, and Hideki Yamawaki.- Management as a liberal art / by Karen E. Linkletter and Joseph A. Maciariello.- Drucker on government, business, and civil society : roles, relationships, responsibilities / by Ira A. Jackson.- Leading knowledge workers : beyond the era of command and control / by Craig L. Pearce.- Value(s)-based management : corporate social responsibility meets value-based management / by James S. Wallace.- Drucker on corporate governance / by Cornelis A. de Kluyver.- Corporate purpose / by Richard R. Ellsworth.- Strategy for what purpose? / by Vijay Sathe.- The twenty-first century : the century of the social sector / by Sarah Smith Orr.- Economic environment, innovation, and industry dynamics / by Hideki Yamawaki.- A pox on charisma : why connective leadership and character count / by Jean Lipman-Blumen.- Knowledge worker productivity and the practice of self-management / by Jeremy Hunter with J. Scott Scherer.- Labor markets and human resources : managing manual and knowledge workers / by Roberto Pedace.- Peter Drucker : the humanist economist / by Jay Prag.- The Drucker vision and its foundations : corporations, managers, markets, and innovation / by Richard Smith.- Drucker on marketing : remember, customers are the reason you are in business / by Jenny Darroch.- A closer look at pension funds / by Murat Binay