Introduction /Andrew Feldherr.- Ancient audiences and expectations /John Marincola.- Postmodern historiographical theory and the Roman historians /William W. Batstone.- Historians without history : against Roman historiography /J.E. Lendon.- Alternatives to written history in Republican Rome /Harriet I. Flower.- Roman historians and the Greeks : audiences and models /John Dillery.- Cato's Origines : the historian and his enemies /Ulrich Gotter.- Polybius /James Davidson.- Time /Denis Feeney.- Space /Andrew M. Riggsby.- Religion in historiography /Jason Davies.- Virtue and violence : the historians on politics /Joy Connolly.- The rhetoric of Roman historiography /Andrew Laird.- The exemplary past in Roman historiography and culture /Matthew Roller.- Intertextuality and historiography /Ellen O'Gorman.- Characterization and complexity : Caesar, Sallust, and Livy /Ann Vasaly.- Representing the emperor /Caroline Vout.- Women in Roman historiography /Kristina Milnor.- Barbarians I : Quintus Curtius' and other Roman historians' reception of Alexander /Elizabeth Baynham.- Barbarians II : Tacitus' Jews /Andrew Feldherr.- Josephus /Honora Chapman.- The Roman exempla tradition in imperial Greek historiography : the case of Camillus /Alain M. Gowing.- Ammianus Marcellinus : Tacitus' heir and Gibbon's guide /Gavin Kelly.- Ancient Roman historians and early modern political theory /Benedetto Fontana.- Re-writing history for the early modern stage : Racine's Roman tragedies /Volker Schreoder.- The Roman historians and twentieth-century approaches to Roman history /Emma Dench