Introduction: sociophonetic studies of language variety production and perception / Dennis R. Preston, Nancy Niedzielski - Studies of production. The peripatetic history of Middle English / Alice Faber, Marianna Di Paolo, Catherine T. Best - Social and phonetic conditioners on the frequency and degree of 'intrusive /r/' in New Zealand English / Jen Hay and Margaret Maclagan - Effects of consonantal context on the pronunciation of /ae/ in the English of speakers of Mexican heritage from south central Michigan / Rebecca Roeder - Rhythm types and the speech of working-class youth in a banlieue of Paris: The role of vowel elision and devoicing / Zsuzsanna Fagyal - The sociophonetics of prosodic contours on NEG in three language communities: teasing apart sociolinguistic and phonetic influences on speech / Malcah Yaeger-Dror ... [et al.] - An emerging gender difference in Japanese vowel devoicing / Terumi Imai - Studies of perception. Regional stereotypes and the perception of Japanese vowel devoicing / Midori Yonezawa Morris - Phonetic detail, linguistic experience, and the classification of regional language varieties in the United States / Cynthia G. Clopper - Perceptions of /a/-fronting across two Michigan dialects / Bartek Plichta and Brad Rakerd - Belle's body just caught the fit gnat: the perception of Northern Cities Shifted vowels by local speakers / Dennis R. Preston - Linguistic security, ideology, and vowel perception / Nancy Niedzielski - Identification of African American speech / Erik R. Thomas, Norman E. Lass, Jeannine Carpenter - Studies of perception and production. Phonetic detail in the perception of ethnic varieties of US English / Thomas Purnell - Sound judgements: perception of indexical features in children's speech / Paul Foulkes ... [et al.] - Avant-garde Dutch: a perceptual, acoustic and evaluational study / Renaee van Bezooijen and Vincent J. van Heuven - Aspects of the acoustic analysis of imitation / Betsy E. Evans - The cycle of production, ideology, and perception in the speech of Memphis, Tennessee / Valerie Fridland