V.1. Muslim Institutions/ by Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes.-V.2. The Personal Law of the Mahmmedans (According to all Schools).-V.3.Selections from Muhammadan Traditions being a carefully chosen and thoroughlyrepresentative collection of the most authentic traditions from the celebrared Mishkatul-Masabih/ by William Goldsack.-V.4.Moslem schisms and sects(Al Fark bain al-Firak)Beingthe history of the Various philosophic systems developed in Islam/ by Abu-Mansur abd-al-kahir ibn-Tahir al-Baghdadi.-V.5.outlines of Islamic Culture. Historical and cultural Aspects/by A.M.A.Shushtery.-V.6.The principles of Muhammadan Jurisprudence : according to the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii,and Hanbali schools/by Abdur Rahim.-V.7-8.Mohammedan theories of Financewith an Introduction to Mohammedan law and a Bibliography/ by Nicholas P. Aghnides