:Religious Challenges and the Prospects of Democracy
/ edited by Paeter Losonczi and Aakash Singh
London ;New York, NY
: Continuum International Pub.
, 2010.
xxv, 201 p.
(Continuum Resources in Religion and Political Culture)
Foreword / by Graham Ward and Michael Hoelzl - Editor's introduction - Political theory - Part I: Liberal accommodations to the religious challenge - Religion and liberalism : public reason, public sphere and cultural pluralism / Sebastiano Maffettone - Accommodating pluralism through public justification : moral vs. practical considerations / Eszter Kollaar - Public reason and models of judgement / Daniele Santoro - Hannah Arendt and the problem of public religion / Gaabor Gaangao - Part II: Challenging the liberal secular paradigm from within - Cultural identity, religion, moral pluralism and the law / Herman De Dijn - Can freedom of religion replace the virtue of tolerance? / Peter Jonkers - Democracy and moral relativism in a post-secular world : reclaiming obligation / Andraas Laanczi - From political theory to political theology - Part III: Radicalizing the challenges : recuperating religion - Religion, democracy and the empty shrine of pluralism : some reminders / Walter Van Herck - Religion after Auschwitz : Jonas, Metz, and the place of religion in our world today / Balaazs M. Mezei - Politics without d'nouement, faith without guarantee : a critical appraisal of the politics of religion of the left and the right / Theo de Wit - Part IV: Political theology as political theory : prospects - Reinhold Niebuhr and the crisis of liberalism : Augustinian realism and democratic politics in the age of post-Enlightenment / Alexander Rosenthal - Genuine or elitist democracy? : Christianity and democracy in the thought of Istvaan Bibao and Dietrich Bonhoeffer / Andraas Csepregi - The new political theology as political theory : Johann Baptist Metz on public suffering / Peter Losonczi