Evidence for the early use of the title Ilkhan among the Mongols - Turco-Mongolian nomads and the iqota system in the Islamic Middle East (ca. 1000-1400 AD) - New material from the Mamluk sources for the biography of Rashid al-Din - Al-Nuwayri as a historian of the Mongols - The conversion of Tegeuder Ilkhan to Islam - Ghazan, Islam and Mongol tradition : a view from the Mamluk Sultanate - Sufis and shamans : some remarks on the Islamization of the Mongols in the Ilkhanate - Mongol raids into Palestine (A.D. 1260 and 1300) - Ayn Jalut revisited - An exchange of letters in Arabic between Abagha Ilkhan and Sultan Baybars (A.H. 667/A.D. 1268-69) - Edward of England and Abagha Ilkhan : a reexamination of a failed attempt at Mongol-Frankish cooperation - Mongol imperial ideology and the Ilkhanid war against the Mamluks - Mamluk perceptions of the Mongol-Frankish rapprochement - Northern Syria between the Mongols and Mamluks : political boundary, military frontier, and ethnic affinities - Whither the Ilkhanid army? : Ghazan's first campaign into Syria (1299-1300) - The resolution of the Mongol-Mamluk War