Insights into Non-native Vocabulary Teaching and Learning
/ edited by Rubaen Chacaon-Beltraan, Christiaan Abello-Contesse and Maraia del Mar Torreblanca-Laopez
Bristol ;Buffalo
: Multilingual Matters
, 2010.
x, 230 p.
: , ill
(Second Language Acquisition)
Vocabulary teaching and learning : introduction and overview / Rubaen Chacaon-Beltraan, Christiaan Abello-Contesse and M. Mar Torreblanca-Laopez -- Form-focused instruction in second language vocabulary learning / Batia Laufer -- Key issues in teaching and learning vocabulary / Norbert Schmitt -- A dynamic perspective on L2 lexical development in academic English / Tal Caspi and Wander Lowie -- The effect of lexicalization in the native language on second language lexical inferencing : a cross-linguistic study / T. Sima Paribakht -- Aural word recognition and oral comnpetence in English as a foreign language / James Milton, Jo Wade and Nicola Hopkins -- A cascade model of lexical access to explain the phonological activation of recently practiced lexical items / Teresa Laopez-Soto -- Concordances versus dictionaries : evaluating approaches to word learning in ESOL / Rachel Allan -- Evidence of incremental vocabulary learning in advanced L2 Spanish learners / Diana Frantzen -- Conspicuous by their absence : the infrequency of very frequent words in some English as a foreign language textbooks / Jim Lawley -- The treatment of lexical aspects in commercials textbooks for L2 teaching and learning / Maraia Dolores Laopez-Jimaenez -- A second-generation CALL vocabulary-learning program ADELEX : in search of a psychopedagogic model / Carmen Paerez Basanta -- Word associations as a vocabulary teaching strategy in an advanced L2 reading class / Zorana Vasiljevic.