Hermeneutics, Politics, and the History of Religions
:The Contested Legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade
/ edited by Christian K. Wedemeyer and Wendy Doniger
New York
: Oxford University Press
, 2010.
xxxiv, 328 p.
Proceedings of a conference held Nov. 3-4, 2006 at the University of Chicago Divinity School
Introduction I : two scholars, a "school," and a conference / Christian K. Wedemeyer - Introduction II : life and art, or politics and religion, in the writings of Mircea Eliade / Wendy Doniger - Pt. I. Joachim Wach : contexts, categories, and controversy. Joachim Wach between the George circle and Weber's typology of religious communities / Hans G. Kippenberg - The master-interpreter : notes on the German career of Joachim Wach (1922-1935) / Steven M. Wasserstrom - After the naming explosion : Joachim Wach's unfinished project / Gregory D. Alles - Wach, Radhakrishnan, and relativism / Charles S. Preston - Pt. II. Mircea Eliade : literature and politics. Eliade and Ionesco in the post-World War II years : questions of identity in exile / Matei Calinescu - The poetical and rhetorical structure of the Eliadean text : a contribution to critical theory and discourses on religions / Daniel Dubuisson - Modern Western esoteric currents in the work of Mircea Eliade : the extent and limits of their presence / Antoine Faivre - The camouflaged sacred in Mircea Eliade's self-perception, literature, and scholarship / Moshe Idel - The influence of Eastern Orthodox Christian theology on Mircea Eliade's understanding of religion / Bryan Rennie -- The eternal deferral / Jonathan Z. Smith - Pt. III. Mircea Eliade : politics and literature. Southeast Europe and the idea of the history of religions in Mircea Eliade / Florin Turcanu - Fascist scholars, fascist scholarship : the quest for ur-fascism and the study of religion / Elaine Fisher - Tracing the red thread : anti-communist themes in the work of Mircea Eliade / Anne T. Mocko - Mircea Eliade's ambivalent legacy / Carlo Ginzburg