Theological Foundations for Collaborative Ministry
/ Stephen Pickard
Farnham, England ;Burlington, VT
: Ashgate Pub. Ltd.
, 2009.
viii, 256 p.
(Explorations in Practical, Pastoral, and Empirical Theology)
Collaborative ministry : an introduction - Ministry and the ministries - Rediscovering the ministries of the people of God : mapping the territory - On knowing one's relations : church, ministry, and theology - Theological trends in ministry : historical perspectives - The question of origins : the legacy of R.C. Moberly's ministerial priesthood - The question of purpose : ministerial order and pioneer ministry - The question of reach : representative priesthood & the ministries of the Laos - Towards a collaborative theory of ministry - Ministries in relation : the quest for integration - Collaborative ministry : a dialogue between theology and science - Of another : dynamics of collaborative ministry - Reforming orders - A relational ontology of orders : some implications for praxis - Episcopacy, management, and the problem of ecclesiology - Episcopacy from below : the ecumenical gift - Recovering orientations - This your promise : the vows, formation, and ministerial existence - I saw satan fall like lightning : a sermon on team ministry for mission - Conclusion : the collaborative world