: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
, 2007.
653 p.
: ill
(Development Centre Studies)
A millennial perspective - Historical statistics. This publication brings together two reference works by Angus Maddison: The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective, first published in 2001 and The World Economy: Historical Statistics, published in 2003. This new edition contains Statlinks, a service providing access to the underlying data in Excel format. These two volumes bring together estimates of world GDP for the past 2000 years and provide perspective on the rise and fall of economies historically.-Publisher description
Economic history
International economic relations - History
Population - History
Income distribution - History
Economic development - History
International economic relations - Statistics
Population - Statistics
Gross domestic product - Statistics
تاریخ اقتصادی
اقتصاد بین الملل - تاریخ
جمعیت - تاریخ
درآمد - توزیع - تاریخ
رشد اقتصادی - تاریخ
اقتصاد بین الملل - آمار
جمعیت - آمار
تولید ناخالص داخلی - آمار
Maddison, Angus
Maddison, Angus.World economy : A Millennial Perspective