The scope and method of economics - The economic problem : scarcity and choice - Demand, supply, and market equilibrium - Demand and supply applications - Elasticity - Household behavior and consumer choice - The production process : the behavior of profit-maximizing firms - Short-run costs and output decisions - Long-run costs and output decisions - Input demand: the labor and land markets - Input demand : the capital market and the investment decision - General equilibrium and the efficiency of perfect competition - Monopoly and antitrust policy - Oligopoly - Monopolistic competition - Externalities, public goods, and social choice - Uncertainty and asymmetric information - Income distribution and poverty - Public finance: the economics of taxation - Introduction to macroeconomics - Measuring national output and national income - Unemployment, inflation, and long-run growth - Aggregate expenditure and equilibrium output - The government and fiscal policy - The money supply and the federal reserve system - Money demand and the equilibrium interest rate - Aggregate demand in the goods and money markets - Aggregate supply and the equilibrium price level - The labor market in the macroeconomy - Financial crises, stabilization, and deficits - Household and firm behavior in the macroeconomy : a further look* - Long-run growth - Alternative views in macroeconomics - International trade, comparative advantage, and protectionism - Open-economy macroeconomics : the balance of payments and exchange rates - Economic growth in developing and transitional economies