Foreword - Interrogating religion - Religion trouble - Seeing religion : six common cliches - Gagging at the feast of two unexamined assumptions : religion, all good or all bad - Politics using religion : anatomy of a cliche - The religion-is-no-good cliche - The second set of two cliches : religion is belief and belief in God - Religion's private parts - Powerless in paradise - Two ways to eliminate religion - Is religion our phlogiston? : an historical test case - Talal Asad's religion trouble - The trick of defining religion - Owning religion - How Durkheim took ownership of religion - Religion and its despisers -- Interrogating power - Confronting the paradox of power - How power plays havoc with thinking about institutional violence - Whom should we blame? : history on trial - History's helper : we should also blameFoucault - Problematizing power in South Africa - Foucault versus Foucault - Thinking about power as Auctoritas and hierarchy - What more is to be done? : thinking about power as Auctoritas and social force - Interrogating politics - Where there is no politics : despotism and totalitarianism - Autonomous politics - Where our politics makes no sense - Politics, the construct - Two pernicious views of politics - History lessons for Professor Morgenthau - What constitutionalism owes the Council of Constance - The emergence of the political from the religious - Machiavelli and Luther : critical contributions to the autonomy of politics - Foucault's fault II : everything is political - The hidden fascism of thinking that everything is political - Public and private : no absolute line of demarcation - Resisting panopticon - Afterword: The autonomy of politics and the nation-state -- Testing interrogations of religion, power, and politics : human bomber and the authority of sacrifice in the Middle East -- Is suicide bombing religious? - Making too much of religion in suicide bombing : Islamofascism - Dying to make too little of religion in suicide bombing : Robert A. Pape - No religion in suicide bombing : Talal Asad - How religion helps explain human bombing - Human bombing is catastrophe, but also a triumph of secular immortality - Human bombing = jihad + sacrifice - Sacrifice or suicide? - But do any Muslims really think human bombers are sacrifices? - Sacrifice makes authority - How and why sacrifice works : the authority of sacralization - How and why sacrifice works : no free gifts - Concluding remarks