نبی الاسلام بین الحقیقه و الادعاء :Title in Arabic.
Machine generated contents note: Section: One - The Prophethood in Islam - The First Theme: The Definition of Prophethood - First: The Literal Meaning of Prophethood - Second: The "Prophethood" as a Term - The Second Theme: The Ranks of Prophethood - First: The Prophets - Second: The Messengers - Third: The Messengers of Strong Will - Fourth: The Last of the Prophets - The Third Theme: The Prophets' Infallibility - First: The Moral Infillibility - Second Part: Infallibility in Conveyance - The Fourth Theme: The Last of the Prophets - Section: Two - Allegations Against the Prophethood of Muhammad - The First Allegation: The Jewish and Christian laws - The Second Allegation: There is no Need for His Message - The Third Allegation: No Prophecies of His Advent, - The Fourth Allegation: He Had No Miracles - The Fifth Allegation: He Was Sent Only to the Arabs - The Sixth Allegation: Islam is a Christian Heterodoxy - Section: Three - The Evidences of Prophethood - The First Theme: The Holy Qur'an - 1-The Miracles of Eloquence and Style - 2-The Informational Miracle - 3-The Miracle of Legislation - 4-The Mental Miracle - 5-The Scientific Miracle - The Second Theme: The Miracles - First: The Miracles of the Qur'an - A-The Events - Second: The Miraclesin the Books of Hadith - A-Miracles of Acts - B-The Verbal Miracles - The Third Theme: The Glad Tidings - A-The Glad Tidings of the Name of the Prophet - B-The Glad Tiding of the Qualities of the Prophet - C-The Glad Tiding of the Place of Revelation - D-The Glad Tiding of the Advent of the Prophet - The Fourth Theme: The Prophet's Conduct and Morals - First: The Perfection of Qualities - Second: The Virtues of the Prophet's Speech - Third: The Virtues of the Prophet's deeds