Psychological gender differences: contemporary theories nd controversies / Natalie Porter -- Women and the law : a brief history / Andrea Barnes -- Women, work, and discrimination / Nancy Lynn Baker -- Sexual harassment : the organizational perspective / Jay M. Finkelman -- Relational practice--a feminist reconstruction of work / Joyce K. Fletcher -- Pregnancy discrimination in the workplace / Lisa Wilson -- Update on abortion law / Andrea Barnes -- Insurance coverage of contraceptives : narrowiing the gender gap in health care coverage / Judith C. Appelbaum, Virginia S. Davis -- Women and depression / Jennifer Hightower -- Intimacy and injury--legal interventions for battered women / Phyllis Goldfarb -- Rape resistance / Patricia D. Rozee -- Women's human rights abuses in the name of religion / Shannon M. Roesler -- Sexual violence against women in war and armed conflict / Gretchen Borchelt -- Women and the military / Catherine Toth -- Discrimination against women in the world of human rights / Teresa Mugadza -- Ugandan women--resiliency and protective factors in pounding HIV/AIDS / Valata Jenkins-Monroe -- Population control in China / Renee Huebner