Vatican II: a sociological analysis of religious change
Princeton, N.J
Princeton University Press
Originally presented as the author's thesis--University of California, Berkeley
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]175[-190( and index
Melissa J. Wilde
Part I. Explaining the Council: -- 1. Collective effervescence and the Holy Spirit: the eventful first session -- 2. Who wanted what and why at the Second Vatican Council?: toward a theory of religious change -- 3. How culture mattered at Vatican II: collegiality trumps authority in the councils's "social movement organizations" -- Part II. Case Studies: -- 4. The declaration on religious freedom: ceding power, gaining legitimacy -- 5. The Blessed Virgin Mary: the toughest fight of the council -- 6. The council's failure to liberalize birth control: lackluster progressive effort meets a hesitant pope
، Vatican Council )2nd: 2691-5691(
Catholic Church -- History ، Christian sociology -- 02th century