Contains papers presented at the second annual St. Andrews Conference on Scripture and Theology
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
edited by Richard Bauckham ... ]et al.[
The divinity of Jesus Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews / Richard Bauckham -- "With loud cries and tears": the humanity of the Son in the Epistle to the Hebrews / Bruce L. McCormack -- One who is Son: theological reflections on the exordium to the Epistle to the Hebrews / John Webster -- God in Hebrews / Harold W. Attridge -- A scientist looks at the Epistle to the Hebrews / John Polkinghorne -- The cosmology of Hebrews / Edward Adams -- The seal of approval: an interpretation of the Son's sustaining action in Hebrews 1:3 / Terry J. Wright -- "Here we have no lasting city": new covenantalism in Hebrews / Richard B. Hays -- Does the Letter to the Hebrews articulate a supersessionist theoloyg?: a response to Richard Hays / Oskar Skarsaune -- New or renewed covenantalism?: a response to Richard Hayes / Mark D. Nanos -- Christ, the "end" of the cult / Morna D. Hooker -- Leviticus and Hebrews ... and Leviticus / Nehemia Polen -- Death in the afternoon: Hebrews, sacrifice, and soteriology / Stephen R. Holmes -- Soteriology in Hebrews / I. Howard Marshall -- Melchizedek and modernity / Douglas Farrow -- The sacrifice of Christ and Ganda sacrifice: a contextual interpretation in relation to the eucharist / Edison M. Kalengyo -- God has spoken: Hebrews' theology of the Scriptures / Ken Schenck -- Speech acts, hearing hearts, and other senses: the doctrine of Scripture practiced in Hebrews / Daniel J. Treier -- Exemplars of faith in Hebres 11: Abel / R. Walter L. Moberly -- Abraham's faith in Hebrews 11 / Markus Bockmuehl -- By faith Moses / Nathan MacDonald -- Rahab outside the camp / Carl Mosser -- Prophets and martyrs as exemplars of faith / Loveday Alexander -- Reexamining faith: a study of Hebrews 01:91-21:41 and James 1-2 / Mariam J. Kamell -- The conquest of faith and the climax of history )Hebrews 21:1-4, 81-92( / Ben Witherington
Congresses ، Bible - Theology
AU Bauckham, Richard
CO St. Andrews Conference on Scripture and Theology