True for you but not for me: overcoming objections to Christian faith
Minneapolis, Minn
Bethany House Publishers
Includes bibliographical references
Paul Copan
Introduction -- Part I: Absolutely relative -- "That's true for you, but not for me" -- "So many people disagree, relativism must be true" -- "You're just using western logic" -- "Who are you to judge others?" -- "Christians are intolerant of other viewpoints!" -- "What right do you have to convert others to your views?" -- "It's all a matter of perspective" -- "Perception is reality" -- "That's just your opinion" -- "You can choose whichever religion you want" -- Part II: The absolutism of moral relativism -- "Why believe in any moral values when they're so wildly different?" -- "Your values are right for you, but not for me" -- "Who are you to impose your morality on others?" -- "You can't legislate morality." -- "It's arrogant to say your values are better than others" -- "Biological evolution explains morality" -- "We can be good without God" )I( -- "We can be good without God" )II( -- Part III: The exclusivism of religious pluralism -- "All religions are basically the same" -- "All roads lead to the top of the mountain" -- "Christianity is arrogant and imperialistic" -- "If you'd grown up in Thailand, you'd be a Buddhist" -- "Mahatma Gandhi was a saint if ever there was one" -- Part IV: The uniqueness of Jesus Christ : myth or reality? -- "You can't trust the Gospels, they're unreliable" -- "Jesus' followers fabricated his stories and sayings" -- "Jesus is just like any other great religious leader" -- "But Jesus never said, I am God " -- "People claim JFK and Elvis are alive, too!" -- Part V: "No other name" : the question of the unevangelized -- "It doesn't matter what you believe as long as you're sincere" -- "If Jesus is the only way to God, what about those who have never heard of Him?" -- Response #1: the agnostic view -- "If Jesus is the only way ..." -- Response #2: the inclusivist )wider-hope( view -- "If Jesus is the only way ..." -- A brief critique of the inclusivist/wider-hope view -- "If Jesus is the only way ..." -- Response #3: the accessibilist/middle-knowledge view