edited by Eric Higgs, Andrew Light, and David Strong
Machine generated contents note: I PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY TODAY 71 -- 1. Borgmann's Philosophy of Technology 91 -- David Strong and Eric Higgs -- 2. Philosophy of Technology. Retrospective and -- Prospective Views 83 -- Paul T Durbin -- II EVALUATING FOCAL THINGS 15 -- 3. Focal Things and Focal Practices 55 -- Lawrence Haworth -- 4. Technology and Nostalgia 07 -- Gordon G. BrittanJr. -- 5. Focaltechnics, Pragmatechnics, and the Reform -- of Technology 98 -- Larry Hickman -- 6. Borgmann's Unzeitgemisse Betrachtungen: -- On the Prepolitical Conditions of a Politics of Place 601 -- Andrew Light -- 7. On Character and Technology 621 -- Carl Mitcham -- III THEORY IN THE SERVICE OF PRACTICE 941 -- 8. The Moving Image: Between Devices and Things 351 -- Phillip R. Fandozzi -- 9. Farming as Focal Practice 661 -- Paul B. Thompson -- 01. Design and the Reform of Technology: -- Venturing Out into the Open 281 -- Jesse S. Tatum -- 11. Nature by Design 591 -- Eric Higgs -- IV EXTENSIONS AND CONTROVERSIES 312 -- 21. Technological Ethics in a Different Voice 912 -- Diane P Michelfelder -- 31. Crossing the Postmodern Divide with -- Borgmann, or Adventures in Cyberspace 432 -- Douglas Kellner -- 41. Technology and Temporal Ambiguity 652 -- Mora Campbell -- 51. Trapped in Consumption: Modern Social Structure -- and the Entrenchment of the Device 172 -- Thomas Michael Power -- 61. From Essentialism to Constructivism: Philosophy of -- Technology at the Crossroads 492 -- Andrew Feenberg -- 71. Philosophy in the Service of Things 613 -- David Strong -- V POSTSCRIPT 933 -- 81. Reply to My Critics 143 -- Albert Borgmann -- Afterword 173 -- Index 573