Theology and change: essays in memory of Alan Richardson
S.C.M. Press
"Bibliography of the writings of Alan Richardson": p. ]205[-211."Bibliography of the writings of Alan Richardson": p. ]205[-211
edited by Ronald H. Preston
Ramsey, M. After liberalism: reflections on four decades.--Bowden, J. The future shape of popular theology.--Hanson, A. Alan Richardson and his critics in the area of hermeneutics.--Leaney, R. Recent studies on the resurrection of Jesus.--Richmond, J. The absurdity of God's non-existence: St. Anselm and the study of religion.--Pailin, D. Lessing's ditch revisited: the problem of faith and history.--Hanson, R. The authority of the Christian faith.--Bennett, J. Love and justice.--Preston, R. Reflections on theologies of social change.--Nash, A. The sociology of religion, comparative religion and the new apologetic task.--Niblett, R. Higher education in the post-Robbins era