Persecution, polemic, and dialogue : essays in Jewish-Christian relations
Academic Studies Press
Judaism and Jewish life
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
David Berger
Spanning the centuries. Anti-Semitism : an overview -- The Middle Ages. From Crusades to blood libels to expulsions : some new approaches to medieval anti-Semitism -- A generation fo scholarship on Jewish-Christian interaction in the medieval world -- Jacob Katz on Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages -- Introduction to The Jewish-Christian debate in the high Middle Ages : a critical edition of the Nizzahon vetus with an introduction, translation, and commentary -- On the image and destiny of Gentiles in Ashkenazic polemical literature -- On the uses of history in medieval Jewish polemic against Christianity : the quest for the historical Jesus -- Christians, Gentiles, and the Talmud : a fourteenth-century Jewish response to the attack on rabbinic Judaism -- Mission to the Jews and Jewish-Christian contacts in the polemical literature of the high Middle Ages -- The Barcelona disputation : review essay -- Christian heresy and Jewish polemic in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries -- Gilbert Crispin, Alan of Lille, and Jacob Ben Reuben : a study in the transmission of medieval polemic -- The attitude of St. Bernard of Clairvaux toward the Jews -- St. Peter Damian : his attitude toward the Jews and the Old Testament -- Modern and contemporary times. Religion, nationalism, and historiography : Yehezkel Kaufmann's account of Jesus and early Christianity -- The "Jewish contribution" to Christianity -- Jewish-Christian relations : a Jewish perspective -- Reflections on conversion and proselytizing in Judaism and Christianity -- On Dominus Iesus and the Jews -- Revisiting "confrontation" after forty years : a response to Rabbi Eugene Korn -- Dabru Emet : some reservations about a Jewish statement on Christians and Christianity -- Jews, Christian,s and The passion