Apophatic bodies: negative theology, incarnation, and relationality
New York
Fordham University Press
Transdisciplinary theological colloquia
Colloquium held at Drew University, Fall of 2006
edited by Chris Boesel and Catherine Keller
Introduction / Chris Boesel and Catherine Keller -- Negative theology : unfolding traditions -- The cloud of the impossible : embodiment and apophasis / Catherine Keller -- Subtle embodiments : imagining the holy in late antiquity / Patricia Cox Miller -- "Being neither oneself nor someone else" : the apophatic anthropology of Dionysius the Areopagite / Charles M. Stang -- Incarnations : body/image -- Bodies without wholes : apophatic excess and fragmentation in Augustine's City of God / Virginia Burrus and Karmen MacKendrick -- Bodies still unrisen, events still unsaid : a hermeneutic of bodies without flesh / John D. Caputo -- In the image of the invisible / Kathryn Tanner -- More mysterious bodies : veils, voids, visions -- "The body is no body" / David L. Miller -- Revisioning the body apophatically : incarnation and the acosmic naturalism of Habad Hasidism / Elliot R. Wolfson -- Bodies of the void : polyphilia and theoplicity / Roland Faber -- Apophatic ethics : whose body, whose speech? -- The metaphysics of the body / Graham Ward -- Emptying apophasis of deception : considering a duplicitous Kierkegaardian declaration / T. Wilson Dickinson -- Feminist theology and the sensible unsaying of mysticism / Sigridur Gudmarsdottir -- The infinite found in human form : intertwinings of cosmology and incarnation / Philip Clayton -- Love stories : unspeakable relations, infinite freedom -- The apophasis of divine freedom : saving "the name" and the neighbor from human mastery / Chris Boesel -- Let it be : finding grace with God through the Gelassenheit of the Annunciation / Rose Ellen Dunn -- Intimate mysteries : the apophatics of sensible love / Krista E. Hughes
Congresses ، Negative theology - Christianity
Congresses ، Human body - Religious aspects Christianity