edited by Melvin McLeod and the editors of the Shambhala Sun
The great way is not difficult / John Tarrant -- Recognizing our natural state / Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche with David R. Shlim -- Touching the earth / Thich Nhat Hanh -- The flame at the tip of the candle / Claudo Anshin Thomas -- The anthropology of myself / Faith Adiele -- Dignity and restraint / Thanissaro Bhikkhu -- The true spirit of the grain / Edward Espe Brwon -- Nothing holy : a Zen primer / Norman Fischer -- The great failure / Natalie Goldberg -- Mind is Buddha / Geoffrey Shugen Arnold -- The path of Mahamudra / Traley Kyabgon Rinpoche -- If you depict a bird, give it space to fly / Eleanor Rosch -- The future of ice / Gretel Ehrlich -- Exploring the great indoors / Jeff Greenwald -- Sunset Boulevard / Erik Hansen -- Waking up at work / Michael Carroll -- Making friends with ourselves / Gaylon Ferguson -- Awakening the mind of the Buddha / Gehlek Rinpoche -- Listen to the cries of the universe / Barbara Rhodes -- Meeting myself in the cell house / Scott Darnell -- The great love / Lewis Richmond -- Daughter time / Rick Bass -- Drink and a man / Joan Duncan Oliver -- Cultivating wisdom / His Holiness the Dalai Lama -- The infinite dot called mind / The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche -- Intimate distances / Francisco J. Varela -- Rucksack poetry : how haiku found a home in America / Andrew Schelling -- Have a cup of tea / John Daido Loori -- Danger on peaks / Gary Snyder -- Almost okay now -- For Philip Zenshin Whalen -- For Carole, Steady, they say -- Experiments in consciousness / Sam Harris -- The politics of interdependence / Peter Coyote -- Three means to peace / Joseph Goldstein