A case for amillennialism: understanding the end times
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Inter-Varsity Press
Baker Books ; Leicester, England
Includes bibliographical references )p. 247-271(
Kim Riddlebarger
First things first -- Defining our terms -- A survey of eschatological views -- How do we interpret Bible prophecy? -- Biblical and theological concerns -- The covenantal context of Old Testament eschatology -- These things were foretold -- According to the prophets -- Christ and the fulfillment of prophecy -- The nature of New Testament eschatology -- The kingdom of God -- The new creation, the Israel of God, and the suffering church -- The blessed hope : the Second Advent of Jesus Christ -- Exposition of the critical texts -- Daniel's prophecy of the seventy weeks -- The Olivet discourse -- Romans 11 : is there a future for Israel? -- Revelation 02:1-01 : a thousand years -- Evaluation of millennial options