Introduction: What do we mean by "mystic"? / Jean-Luc Marion -- Suddenly, Christ : the place of negative theology in the mystagogy of Dionysius Areopagites / Alexander Golitzin -- Thomas Aquinas and onto-theo-logy / Jean-Luc Marion -- Between mysticisms : the trial of Joan of Arc / Francoise Meltzer -- Unitrinum seu triunum : Nicholas of Cusa's trinitarian mysticism / Bernard McGinn -- Unmasking the angel of light : the problem of deception in Martin Luther and Teresa of Avila / Susan Schreiner -- From ritual to poetry : Herbert's mystical Eucharist / Regina M. Schwartz -- Mysticism and catastrophe in Georges Bataille's Atheological summa / Amy Hollywood -- The experience of nonexperience / Kevin Hart -- Locating the mystical subject / Thomas A. Carlson -- Afterword: A reflection on mystics : presence and aphoria / David Tracy