Introducing the dialogue between science and religion -- History : three landmark debates -- Why does history matter? -- Debate 1: Copernicus, Galileo and the solar system -- Debate 2: Newton, the mechanical universe, and deism -- Debate 3: Darwin and the biological origins of humanity -- Science and religion : general themes -- Models of interaction between science and religion -- Science, religion, and the explanation of things -- Science, religion, and proofs for God's existence -- Verification and falsification in science and religion -- Realism and its alternatives in science and religion -- The doctrine of creation and the natural sciences -- How does god act in the world? -- The use of models in science and religion -- Natural science and natural theology -- Theoretical anomalies in science and religion -- The development of theory in science and religion -- The interaction of science and religion in other faiths -- Science and religion : contemporary debates -- Richard Dawkins and scientific atheism : does science deny God? -- Cosmology : does the anthropic principle mean anything? -- Quantum theory : complementarity in science and religion -- Evolutionary biology : can one speak of design in nature? -- Evolutionary psychology : the origins of religious belief -- The psychology of religion : exploring religious experience -- The cognitive science of religion : is religion natural? -- Case studies in science and religion -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin )1881-5591( -- Thomas F. Torrance )3191-7002( -- Charles A. Coulson )0191-47( -- Ian R. Barbour )born 3291( -- Arthur Peacocke )4291-6002( -- Wolfhart Pannenberg )born 8291( -- John Polkinghorne )born 0391( -- Nancey Murphy )born 1591( -- Alister E. McGrath )born 3591( -- Philip Clayton )born 6591(