Early Christian historiography: narratives of retribution
London ; Oakville, CT
Equinox Pub. Ltd
Studies in religion
Originally published: London ; New York : Continuum, 2000
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]336[-344( and index
G.W. Trompf
Part 1. Bases and beginnings -- Backdrop : retributive principles in traditional societies and ancient historiography -- The first Christian historian : Luke and his two books -- Part 2. Centrepiece: the Eusebian achievement -- Towards historical triumphalism : Eusebius, Lactantius and their predecessors -- The man in the middle : Rufinus of Aquileia between East and West -- Part 3. The Byzantine East -- Church history as nonconformism : retributive and eschatological elements in Athanasius and Philostorgius -- The golden chain of Byzantinism : the Tripartite ecclesiastical histories of Socrates, Sozomen and Theodoret -- Part 4. The Latin West -- History as theodicy : Augustine's De civitate Dei -- Consolations of history under the declining Western empire : Sulpicius and Orosius
Primitive and early church, ca. 03-006 - Historiography ، Church history
Early church, ca. 03-006 - Religious aspects Christianity History of doctrines ، Retribution