Old Testament eschatology and the rise of apocalypticism / Bill T. Arnold -- Apocalyptic eschatology in the ancient world / John J. Collins -- The eschatology of the New Testament church / Christopher Rowland -- Eschatology and the quest for historical Jesus / Benedict T. Viviano -- Eschatology in the early church fathers / Brian Daley -- Jewish eschatology / David Novak -- Muslim eschatology / William C. Chittick -- Buddhist eschatology / Jan Nattier -- Hindu eschatology / David M. Knipe -- The end is nigh : failed prophecy, apocalypticism, and the rationalization of violence in new religious eschatologies / Christopher Partridge -- Roman Catholic Theology / Peter C. Phan -- Eastern Orthodox eschatology / Andrew Louth -- Protestant theology / Gerhard Sauter -- Fundamentalist theology / Robert G. Clouse -- Pentecostal and charismatic theology / Frank D. Macchia -- Process eschatology / David Ray Griffin -- Liberation theology : a latitudinal perspective / Vor Westhelle -- Eschatology in Christian feminist theologies / Rosemary Radford Ruether -- Church, ecumenism, and eschatology / Douglas Farrow -- Millennialism / Timothy P. Weber -- Eschatology and resurrection / Stephen T. Davis -- Heaven / Jerry L. Walls -- Hell / Jonathan L. Kvanving -- Purgatory / Paul J. Griffiths -- Universalism / Thomas Talbott -- Annihilationism / Clark H. Pinnock -- Death, final judgment, and the meaning of life / David Bentley Hart -- Modernity, history, and eschatology / Wolfhart Pannenberg -- Eschatology and politics / Stephen H. Webb -- Eschatology and theodicy / Michael L. Peterson -- Human nature, personal identity, and eschatology / Charles Taliaferro -- Ethics and eschatology / Max L. Stackhouse -- Cosmology and eschatology / Robert Russell -- Eschatology and epistemology / William J. Abraham -- Time, eternity, and eschatology / William Lane Craig -- Near-death experiences / Carol Zaleski -- Eschatology in fine art / Heidi J. Hornik -- Eschatology in pop culture / Robert Jewett and John Shelton Lawrence -- ConclusioثOld Testament eschatology and the rise of apocalypticism / Bill T. Arnold -- Ap