editors, Peter A. French, Howard K. Wettstein ; guest editor, John Martin Fischer
Can we ever be really, truly, ultimately, free? / Mark Bernstein -- On an argument for the impossibility of moral responsibility / Randolph Clarke -- Deliberation and metaphysical freedom / E.J. Coffman and Ted A. Warfield -- Alienation, autonomy, and the self / Laura Waddell Ekstrom -- Neurobiology, neuroimaging, and free will / Walter Glannon -- Frankfurt-style counterexamples and begging the question / Stewart Goetz -- Freedom, obligation, and responsibility : prospects for a unifying theory / Ishtiyaque Haji -- Moral responsibility and buffered alternatives / David P. Hunt -- Decisions, intentions, and free will / Alfred R. Mele -- Where Frankfurt and Strawson meet / Michael McKenna -- Freedom, responsibility and the challenge of situationism / Dana K. Nelkin -- Freedom with a human face / Timothy O'Connor -- Defending hard incompatibilism / Derk Pereboom -- Free will and respect for persons / Saul Smilansky -- PAPistry : another defense / Daniel Speak -- The trouble with tracing / Manuel Vargas -- Blameworthiness, non-robust alternatives, and the principle of alternative expectations / David Widerker -- More on "ought" implies "can" and the principle of alternate possibilities / Gideon Yaffe