Christianity and other religions: selected readings
Includes index
Bibliography: p. ]200[-213
edited by John Hick and Brian Hebblethwaite
Troeltsch, E. The place of Christianity among the world religions.--Barth, K. The revelation of God as the abolition of religion.--Rahner, K. Christianity and the non-Christian religions.--Vatican II. Declaration on the relation of the church to non-Christian religions.--Smith, W. C. The Christian in a religiously plural world.--Tillich, P. Christianity judging itself in the light of its encounter with the world religions.--Panikkar, R. The unknown Christ of Hinduism.--Samartha, S. Dialogue as a continuing Christian concern.--Hick, J. Whatever path men choose is mine.--Moltmann, J. Christianity and the world religions.--Taylor, J. V. The theological basis of interfaith dialogue