Religious diversity in the Graeco-Roman world: a survey of recent scholarship
Sheffield, England
Sheffield Academic Press
The biblical seminar
Includes bibliographical references
edited by Dan Cohn-Sherbok and John M. Court
Introduction / John M. Court -- Palestinian Judaism in the first century / Philip F. Esler -- Diaspora Judaism / John M.G. Barclay -- The Essenes / Charlotte Hempel -- An analysis of recent 'Historical Jesus' studies / Donald A. Hagner -- Diversity in Paul / James D.G. Dunn -- The early church / Thomas O'Loughlin -- Greek religion in the Roman empire : diversities, convergences, uncertainties / Graham Anderson -- Gnosticism / Robert McL. Wilson -- Mithraism among the mysteries / John M. Court
، Gnosticism
، Church history - Primitive and early church, ca. 03-006
Greek ، Christianity and other religions
Roman ، Christianity and other religions
History ، Judaism - Post-exilic period, 685 B.C.-012 A.D