Ride the tiger: a survival manual for the aristocrats of the soul
Rochester, Vt.
Inner Traditions
Includes bibliographical references and index
Julius Evola; translated by Joscelyn Godwin and Constance Fontana
The modern world and traditional man -- The end of a cycle : ride the tiger -- European nihilism : the dissolution of morals -- From the precursors of nihilism to the "lost youth" and the protest movement -- Disguises of European nihilism : the socioeconomic myth and the protest movement -- Active nihilism : Nietzsche -- Being oneself -- The transcendent dimension : "life" and "more than life" -- Beyond theism and atheism -- Invulnerability : Apollo and Dionysus -- Acting without desire : the causal law -- Being and inauthentic existence -- Sartre : prisoner without walls -- Existence, a "project flung into the world" -- Heidegger : "retreating forwards" and "being-for-death" : collapse of -- Existentialism -- The dual aspect of anonymity -- Destructions and liberations in the new realism -- The "animal ideal" : the sentiment of nature -- The procedures of modern science -- Covering up nature : phenomenology -- The sickness of European culture -- Dissolution in modern art -- Modern music and jazz -- Excursus on drugs -- States and parties : apoliteia -- Society : the crisis of patriotic feeling -- Marriage and the family -- Relations between the sexes -- The "second religiosity" -- Death : the right over life