The earliest gospels: the origins and transmission of the earliest Christian gospels -- the contribution of the Chester Beatty Gospel Codex P45
London ; New York
T & T Clark International
Journal for the study of the New Testament
Includes bibliographical references )p. ]161[-173( and index
studies by Barbara Aland ... ]et al.[ ; edited by Charles Horton
Early Christian imagination and the gospels / Sean Freyne -- The four gospels and the one gospel of Jesus Christ / Martin Hengel -- Literacy, liturgy, and the shaping of the New Testament canon / Harry Gamble -- Early Christian preferences for the codex / Graham Stanton -- The Diatessaron and the fourfold gospel / William L. Peterson -- The Nag Hammadi gospels and the fourfold gospel / James Robinson -- The Latin gospels, with special reference to the Irish tradition / Martin McNamara -- The significance of the Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri in early church history / Barbara Aland -- Singular readings in the gospel text of P 54 / J. Keith Elliott -- P54 and the textual history of the gospel of Mark / Larry W. Hurtado -- The Chester Beatty biblical papyri : a find of the greatest importance / Charles Horton