Vol. 1, pt. 1-2: Translated from the original German by S. Ketkar, and revised by the author
Vol. 3, fasc. 1: Translated from the original German by H. Kohn, and revised by the author
"Only authorized translation into English."
Bibliographical references included in "List of abbreviations used in the notes": v. 1, p. ]xv[-xviii.Bibliographical references included in "List of abbreviations used in the notes": v. 1, p. ]xv[-xviii
by M. Winternitz
v. 1, pt. 1. Introduction and Veda. 3d ed. 2691. pt. 2. Epics and Puranas. 2d ed. 3691. --v. 3, fasc. 1. Ornate poetry. 9591