The Tibetan book of the great liberation;or, The method of realizing nirvana through knowing the mind, preceded by an epitome of Padma-Sambhava's biography and followed by Guru Phadampa Sangay's teachings. According to English renderings by Sardar Bahdur S. W. Laden La and by the Lamas Karma Sumdhon Paul, Lobzang Mingyur Dorje, and Kazi Dawa-Samdup
Pilgrims Book House
Introductions, annotations, and editing by W. Y. Evans-Wentz. With psychological commentary by C. G. Jung
Psychological commentary, by C. G. Jung.--General introduction, by W. Y. Evans-Wentz.--An epitome of the life and teachings of Tibet's great guru Padma-Sambhava, according to the biography by his chief disciple Yeshey Tshogyal, based upon excerpts rendered into English by the late Sardar Bahadur S. W. Laden La, assisted by Lama Sonam Senge.--Here follows the ]yogo of[ knowing the mind, the seeing of reality, called self-liberation, from "The profound doctrine of self-liberation by meditation upon the peaceful and wrathful deities," by Padma-Sambhava, according to Lama Karma Sumdhon Paul's and Lama Lobzang Mingyur Dorje's English rendering.--The last testamentary teachings of the Guru Phadampa Sangay, according to the late Lama Kazi Dawa-Sandup's English rendering