Machine generated contents note: Notes on contributors vii -- Preface xi --1 Cybercrimes and the Internet 1 -- DAVID WALL 2 Crime futures and foresight: challenging criminal behaviour in the information age 18 -- KEN PEASE 3 Telecommunication fraud in the digital age: the convergence of technologies 29 -- PETER GRABOSKY AND RUSSELL SMITH 4 "Between the risk and the reality falls the shadow": evidence and urban legends in computer fraud 44 -- MICHAEL LEVI 5 Hacktivism: in search of lost ethics? 59 -- PAUL TAYLOR 6 Last of the rainmacs? Thinking about pornography in cyberspace 74 -- BELA BONITA CHATTERJEE 7 Criminalizing online speech to "protect" the young: what are the benefits and costs? 100 -- MARJORIE HEINS 8 Controlling illegal and harmful content on the Internet 113 -- YAMAN AKDENIZ 9 Cyberstalking: tackling harassment on the Internet 141 -- LOUISE ELLISON 10 The language of cybercrime 152 -- MATTHEW WILLIAMS 11 Maintaining order and law on the Internet 167 -- DAVID WALL 12 Policing "hi-tech" crime within the global context: the role of transnational policy networks 184 -- PAUL NORMAN 13 The criminal courts online 195 -- CLIVE WALKER Index 215.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Computer crimes
Table of contents only