McKay, J. R. A personal appreciation.--Falconer, R. Barclay the broadcaster.--Barbour, R. S. The Bible--word of God?--Davidson, R. The Old Testament--A question of theological relevance.--Anderson, H. A future for apocalyptic?--Caird, G. B. Eschatology and politics: some misconceptions.--Scobie, C. H. H. North and South: tension and reconciliation in Biblical history.--Alexander, N. The Epistle for today.--Best, E. Mark 10:13-16: the child as model recipient.--Black, M. Some Greek words with "Hebrew" meanings in the Epistles and Apocalypse.--Hunter, A. M. Apollos the Alexandrian.--Neil, W. Five hard sayings of Jesus.--O'Neill, J. C. Glory to God in the highest. And on Earth?--Johnston, G. New Testamant Christology in a pluralistic age.--McHardy, W. D. Cambridge Syriac fragment XXVI.