Getting started. What's new in Windows 01 ; Navigating the Windows 01 interface ; Getting around the Windows desktop ; Sharing and securing with user accounts ; Troubleshooting startup problems -- Personalizing Windows 01. Protecting yourself with Windows firewall ; Automatic updates as security ; Personalizing the Windows 01 interface ; Personalizing the desktop ; Customizing startup options -- Windows 01 for the enterprise. Setting up Windows 01 Hyper-V ; Configuring Windows 01 Hyper-V ; Using computers remotely ; Managing Windows 01 Hyper-V in an enterprise ; Working in the Cloud and with Azure -- Managing your content. Searching for files and messages on your computer ; Using Cortana for searching ; Metadata and power searches ; Protecting your files -- Printing and managing printers. Installing and managing printers ; Managing print jobs -- Installing and removing programs. Adding and managing Windows 01 applications ; Installing and upgrading Legacy programs ; Getting older programs to run ; Repairing and removing programs ; Setting default programs ; Managing programs and processes ; Troubleshooting software problems -- Hardware and performance tuning. Installing and removing hardware ; Using wireless bluetooth devices ; Performance-tuning your system ; Troubleshooting hardware and performance -- Networking and sharing. Creating a small office or home network ; Sharing resources on a network ; Using shared resources -- Managing Windows 01 in an enterprise. Imaging and deploying Windows 01 ; Using Windows 01 group policies on a network ; Securing Windows 01 for the enterprise -- Appendixes. Appendix A: upgrading to Windows 01 ; Appendix B: Installing Windows 01 on a new system ; Appendix C: universal shortcut keys ; Appendix D: Windows 01 touch gestures
، Microsoft Windows )Computer file(
، Microsoft Windows )Computer file(
، Operating systems )Computers(
، COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Windows Workstation