HBR's 10 must reads :on entrepreneurship and startups
Boston, Massachusetts
Harvard Business Review Press
vi, 148 p.
HBR's 01 must reads
Steven G Blank, William Andrews Sahlman, Reid Hoffman
Hiring an entrepreneurial leader / by Timothy Butler -- How to write a great business plan / by William A. Sahlman -- Why the lean start-up changes everything / by Steve Blank -- The president of SRI Ventures on bringing Siri to life / by Norman Winarsky -- In search of the next big thing: an interview with Marc Andreessen / by Adi Ignatius -- Myths about venture capitalists / by Diane Mulcahy -- Chobani's founder on growing a start-up without outside investors / by Hamdi Ulukaya -- Network effects aren't enough / by Andrei Hagiu and Simon Rothman -- Blitzscaling": an interview with Reid Hoffman / by Tim Sullivan -- Buying your way into entrepreneurship / by Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff -- The founder's dilemma / by Noam Wasserman