Single cylinder engine tests for evaluating the performance of crankcase lubricants
Philadelphia, Pa.
American Society for Testing and Materials
1 v. )various pagings( illus. 28 cm
ASTM special technical publication 905
"Sponsored by Section I on Engine Oils of Technical Division B on Automotive Lubricants of ASTM Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants."
pt. 1. Caterpillar IG2 test method.--pt. 2. Caterpillar IH2 test method.--pt. 3. Caterpillar ID2 test method.--pt. 4. Labeco L-83 test method.
Testing ، Lubricating oils
Testing ، Lubrication and lubricants
CO American Society for Testing and Materials.Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants. Technical Division B on Automotive Lubricants. Section I on Engine Oils