Acoustic emission and durability of composite materials
Hoboken, NJ
Nathalie Godin, Pascal Reynaud, Gilbert Fantozzi
Cover; Half-Title Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Introduction; 1. Acoustic Emission: Definition and Overview; 1.1. Overview; 1.2. Acoustic waves; 1.2.1. Infinite medium: volume waves; 1.2.2. Semi-infinite medium: surface waves; 1.2.3. Guided waves; 1.2.4. Anisotropic medium and wave attenuation; 1.3. The sensors and acquisition system; 1.4. Location of sources; 1.5. The extracted descriptors from the AE signal; 1.5.1. Time domain descriptors; 1.5.2. Frequency domain descriptors; 1.5.3. Timea #x08;#x39;frequency analysis; 1.6. The different analyses of AE data 1.6.1. Conventional analysis: qualitative analysis1.6.2. Multivariable statistical analysis: application of pattern recognition techniques; 1.7. Added value of quantitative acoustic emission; 2. Identification of the Acoustic Signature of Damage Mechanisms; 2.1. Selection of signals for analysis; 2.2. Acoustic signature of fiber rupture: model materials; 2.2.1. Characterization of the fiber at the scale of the bundle; 2.2.2. At the microcomposite scale; 2.2.3. At the minicomposite scale 2.3. Discrimination using temporal descriptors of damage mechanisms in composites: single-descriptor analysis2.4. Identification of the acoustic signature of composite damage mechanisms from a frequency descriptor; 2.5. Identification of the acoustic signature of composite damage mechanisms using a time/frequency analysis; 2.6. Modal acoustic emission; 2.7. Unsupervised multivariable statistical analysis; 2.7.1. Damage identification for organic matrix composites; 2.7.2. Static fatigue damage sequence identification for a ceramic matrix composite 2.7.3. Identification of the cyclic fatigue damage sequence for a ceramic matrix composite2.7.4. Validation of cluster labeling; 2.8. Supervised multivariable statistical analysis; 2.8.1. Library created from data based on model materials; 2.8.2. Library created from structured data by unsupervised classification; 2.9. The limits of multivariable statistical analysis based on pattern recognition techniques; 2.9.1. Performance of algorithms; 2.9.2. Influence of the acquisition conditions and the geometry of the samples; 2.01. Contribution of modeling: towards quantitative acoustic emission 3. Lifetime Estimation3.1. Prognostic models: physical or data-oriented models; 3.2. Generalities on power laws: link with seismology; 3.3. Acoustic energy; 3.3.1. Definition of acoustic energy; 3.3.2. Taking into account coupling and definition of equivalent energy; 3.4. Identification of critical times or characteristic times in long-term tests: towards lifetime prediction; 3.4.1. The RAE emission coefficient; 3.4.2. Optimal circle contribution: highlighting the critical region; 3.4.3. The attenuation coefficient B; 3.4.4. The RLU coefficient for cyclic fatigue tests