Conformal window and correlation functions in lattice conformal QCD / Y. Iwasaki -- Can the Higgs impostor hide near the conformal window? / Zoltan Fodor ... ]et al.[ -- Understanding finite-volume effects in deformed CFTs on the lattice / L. Del Debbio ... ]et al.[ -- Reaching the chiral limit in many flavor systems / Anna Hasenfratz ... ]et al.[ -- Phase structure of many flavor lattice QCD at finite temperature / Norikazu Yamada, Shinji Ejiri -- From lattice strong dynamics to phenomenology / George T. Fleming, Ethan T. Neil -- Lattice study of conformality in twelve-flavor QCD / Y. Aoki ... ]et al.[ -- Exploring walking behavior in SU)3( gauge theory with 8 HISQ quarks / Y. Aoki ... ]et al.[ -- The scalar spectrum of many-flavour QCD / Y. Aoki ... ]et al.[ -- Conformal dynamics and thermal/bulk phase transition in lattice gauge theory with many fermion species / Kohtaroh Miura ... ]et al.[ -- Lattice QCD with 21 quark flavors: A careful scrutiny / Xiao-Yong Jin, Robert D. Mawhinney -- On gauge theory phase diagrams at zero and finite temperature / Kimmo Tuominen -- Latest ATLAS results on Higgs and BSM physics / Osamu Jinnouchi -- Coloron models and LHC phenomenology / Elizabeth H Simmons ... ]et al.[ -- Studies on the UV to IR evolution of gauge theories and quasicon-formal behavior / R. Shrock -- Vector bosons signals of electroweak symmetry breaking / R. Sekhar Chivukula, Elizabeth H. Simmons -- Higgs discovery: Impact on composite dynamics -- Technicolor & eXtreme compositeness -- Thinking fast and slow / Francesco Sannino -- 521 GeV technidilaton at the LHC / Shinya Matsuzaki -- Holographic technidilaton and LHC searches / Maurizio Piai -- Composite Higgs and techni-dilaton at LHC / Deog Ki Hong -- Hadron interactions from lattice QCD / S. Aoki -- Dynamics with isospin symmetric Higgs boson: The quark mass hierarchy and the LHC data / V. A. Miransky -- "Super"-Dilatation symmetry of the top-Higgs system / Christopher T. Hill -- Higgs boson mass and the scale of new physics / M. Shaposhnikov -- What can we learn from the 621 GeV Higgs boson for the planck scale physics? -- Hierarchy problem and the stability of the vacuum -- / Satoshi Iso -- RG cycles, scale vs conformal invariance, and all that ... / J-F. Fortin, B. Grinstein, A. Stergiou -- Top-seesaw assisted technicolor model with 621 GeV Higgs boson / Hidenori S. Fukano, Kimmo Tuominen -- Minimal dilaton model / Tomohiro Abe ... ]et al.[ -- Partially composite Higgs in supersymmetry / Ryuichiro Kitano -- Metastable D-term dynamical SUSY breaking / Nobuhito Maru -- Generalized skyrmions and the mass of the lightest electroweak baryon / John Ellis, Marek Karliner, Michal Praszalowicz -- Quark-gluon plasma: from RHIC to LHC / Berndt Mueller -- Dynamical model based on hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy-ion collisions / Chiho Nonaka ... ]et al.[ -- In-medium QCD forces at high temperature / Yukinao Akamatsu -- Holographic mean-field theory for baryon many-body systems / Masayasu Harada, Shin Nakamura, Shinpei Takemoto -- Dilatons in dense baryonic matter / Hyun Kyu Lee, Mannque Rho -- Baryonic matter in the hidden local symmetry induced from holographic QCD models / Yong-Liang Ma ... ]et al.[ -- Twisted reduction in large N QCD with adjoint Wilson fermions / Antonio Gonzalez-Arroyo, Masanori Okawa -- Large-Nc gauge theory and chiral random matrix theory / Masanori Hanada, Jong-Wan Lee, Norikazu Yamada -- Non-abelian dual superconductivity in SU)3( Yang-Mills theory due to non-abelian magnetic monopoles / Akihiro Shibata ... ]et al.[ -- Confinement via strongly-coupled nonabelian monopoles / K. Konishi -- Non-abelian strings in supersymmetric Yang-Mills and beyond / M. Shifman -- Finite-time future singularities and related cosmologies in modified gravitational theories / Kazuharu Bamba ... ]et al.[ -- Neutron electric dipole moment induced by the strangeness revisited / Kaori Fuyuto, Junji Hisano, Natsumi Nagata -- Enhanced diphoton Higgs decay rate and isospin symmetric Higgs boson / Michio Hashimoto -- Partial mass-degeneracy and spontaneous CP violation in the lepton sector / Hiroyuki Ishida -- One-family walking techni-pions / Junji Jia, Shinya Matsuzaki, Koichi Yamawaki -- Non-abelian dual superconductivity in SU)3( Yang-Mills theory due to non-abelian magnetic monopoles / Kei-Ichi Kondo ... ]et al.[ -- Uniqueness and significance of weak solution of non-perturbative renormalization group equation to analyze dynamical chiral symmetry breaking / Ken-Ichi Aoki, Shin-Ichiro Kumamoto, Daisuke Sato -- GUT model discrimination by nucleon decay via Dim. 6 effective Int. / Nobuhiuro Maekawa, Yu Muramatsu -- Revisiting the calculation of the neutron electric dipole moment with the QCD sum rule method / Natsumi Nagata -- Localization and ABJ Wilson loop calculation / Keita Nii, Shinji Hirano, Masaki Shigemori -- Analysis of spontaneous mass generation by iterative method in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and gauge theories / Ken-Ichi Aoki, Shinnosuke Onai, Daisuke Sato -- Running coupling in SU)2( with adjoint fermions / Jarno Rantaharju, Kari Rummukainen, Kimmo Tuominen -- Weak solution method of the non-perturbative renormalization group equation to describe dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and its application to beyond the ladder analysis in QCD / Ken-Ichi Aoki, Daisuke Sato -- QCD corrections to electric dipole moment from dimension-six four-quark operators / Koji Tsumura -- Analysis of the scalar tetraquarks on the lattice / Masayuki Wakayama, Chiho Nonaka -- Non-perturbative study of 61-flavor QCD / Y. Aoki ... ]et al.[